HNB General savings

General Savings Account

For all your day to day saving needs

Our General Saving Account is designed to cater, all your general savings requirements. Save your money with HNB Finance to reap the benefits of highest interest rates in the market.

Key features


Residents of Sri Lanka over 18 years of age are eligible to apply for the General Savings Account.


  • Completion of mandate
  • KYC Requirement (Know your Customer)
  • A copy of Valid National Identity Card (NIC) Driving License / Passport which carries the NIC Number


Rates and Fees


Amount Interest rate
50,000-199,999.99 3.0
200,000-499,999.99 3.5
500,000 & above 4

Terms and Conditions

Our terms and conditions are subject to change. Therefore, we advise you to contact your nearest
HNB Finance branch for the latest information and prevailing terms and conditions.

  • The minimum balance should be maintained at LKR 500
  • If the customer had made withdrawals for more than five times within a month through the branch counter, respective month interest shall not be credited to the account.

ATM Applications

General Savings Account

Know Your Customer (KYC)

General Savings Account

Savings Application Form

General Savings Account

Signature Card

General Savings Account

Standing Order Form

General Savings Account

E-statement Application Form

Terms and Conditions of the HNBF e-statement

  • I/We acknowledge that I/we must promptly access/review the e-statement and notify HNBF in writing immediately of any error or any other irregularity.
    I/We understand that I/we should not allow someone else to access the e-statement. However, I/we undertake to remain fully responsible to review the
    e-statement for errors or any other irregularities.
  • I/We hereby confirm that I/we will be solely responsible to keep the secrecy of the information contained in the e-statement forwarded by HNBF which is
    accessible or which can be copied or stored to any other computer.
  • I/We acknowledge that the e-mail address provided herein will replace any previously provided e-mail address.
  • I/We hereby expressly waive my/our legal rights, past or future, against HNBF for providing the aforesaid and accept the risks and responsibilities of the
    e-statements transmitted by HNBF.
  • I/We confirm that any change in my/our e-mail address or any request in writing for discontinuation of this service will be immediately communicated by
    me/us in writing to HNBF.
  • I/We acknowledge that HNBF may contact me/us to receive instructions over the telephone on matters relating to the e-statement service including
    change of e-mail address and shall keep HNBF indemnified against any losses arising out of acting on such instructions given over the telephone.
  • I/We acknowledge that failure to receive any service due to change of e-mail address not communicated to HNBF will not give us any right to claim
    non-receipt of the e-statement.
  • I/We undertake not to hold HNBF liable, responsible, or accountable in anyway whatsoever for non-receipt of an e-statement arising by any malfunction or
    failure of the e-statement facility.
  • I/we acknowledge that HNBF is sending me/us e-statements based on the above terms and conditions being agreed to by me/us and that HNBF reserves
    the right to vary these terms and conditions and fees applicable at any time and without prior notice.
  • I/we acknowledge that HNBF may add to, discontinue or vary the service from time to time or as necessary, and may continue to provide a printed copy of the
    statement, change the terms and conditions or rules without assigning any reasons therefor without any notice to me/us.

General Savings Account

Key Facts Document

General Savings Account

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)