Fixed Deposits

Secure your Financial Future

Our Fixed Deposits offer you the perfect balance between high-interest rates, stability, and trustworthiness. Interest rates will be provided based on the tenure of the Fixed Deposit, starting from 1 month to up to 60 months. Your interest will be credited to you at maturity or on a monthly as per your preference.

You also have the ability to obtain loan facilities up to 75% (if your interest is paid monthly), and 80% (if your interest is only paid at maturity), from your Fixed Deposit value. The minimum balance required to maintain a Fixed Deposit with us would be Rs.25,000.00, and no opening or maintenance fee is required. You are also eligible for a Deposit Insurance Coverage of up to Rs.1,100,000 based on the amount deposited.

We are a subsidiary of HNB Group and are licensed by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka under the Finance Business Act No. 42 of 2011. The National Long-term Rating at ‘BBB+(lka)/ with a stable outlook’; as affirmed by Fitch Ratings further affirms our stability as a well-governed financial corporate.

Relax, sit back, and enjoy the high returns on your investments with HNB Finance Fixed Deposits.

Key Benefits

More Features

  • Remit the interest to your savings account, at no extra charge.
  • Doorstep service for all your financial needs.

Interest Rates

Interest Rate
Tenure Monthly (p.a.) A.E.R Maturity (p.a.) A.E.R
1 Month 6.50% 6.70%
3 Months 6.00% 6.17% 7.00% 7.19%
4 Months 7.50% 7.76% 8.50% 8.74%
5 Months 6.00% 6.17% 7.00% 7.14%
6 Months 6.50% 6.70% 7.50% 7.64%
7 Months 7.50% 7.76% 8.50% 8.65%
9 Months 6.00% 6.17% 7.00% 7.06%
12 Months 7.50% 7.76% 8.50% 8.50%
13 Months 9.00% 9.38% 10.00% 9.96%
18 Months 7.50% 7.76% 8.50% 8.33%
24 Months 9.00% 9.38% 10.00% 9.54%
36 Months 10.00% 10.47% 11.00% 9.97%
60 Months 10.00% 10.47% 12.00% 9.86%


Interest Rates – Senior Citizens

Interest Rate
Tenure Monthly (p.a.) A.E.R Maturity (p.a.) A.E.R
12 Months 8.00% 8.30% 9.00% 9.00%
13 Months 9.50% 9.92% 10.50% 10.46%
18 Months 8.00% 8.30% 9.00% 8.81%
24 Months 9.50% 9.92% 10.50% 10.00%
36 Months 10.50% 11.02% 11.50% 10.38%
60 Months 10.50% 11.02% 12.50% 10.20%



Anyone over the age of 18 years is eligible to apply for a Fixed Deposit. Sri Lankan citizens, residents, dual citizen holders, individuals residing in the country are eligible for this.

Terms and Conditions

In the event of a Prematurity, upliftment rate will be decided by the management. Monthly interest credited to the account is subject to prevailing with Holding Tax Regulation.

  • Minimum Deposit of LKR 25,000/-

Fixed Deposit

Application Form

Fixed Deposit

Key Fact Document

Fixed Deposit

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)